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Code of Conduct

Truckee Little League Coach’s Contract of Conduct

I, ___________________________, a Manager / Coach in the Truckee Little League Baseball league, pledge to abide by the following contract:

● I will conduct myself on and off the field with the proper behavior as befits a Manager / Coach of our league which includes:
○ Always serving as an appropriate role model for sportsmanship
○ Always supporting my team, my fellow coaches, the league organizers and league volunteers
○ Always displaying respect towards umpires, coaches, and volunteers
○ Never using offensive or inappropriate language
○ Always displaying self control
○ Treating each player equally and fairly
○ Creating a safe caring environment for my players to learn, practice and play
○ Always using good judgment on when and how to discipline players
○ Never drinking alcohol, smoking, or using tobacco products in the playing area or around players in games or practices
○ Providing all players an equal opportunity to learn and play
○ Understanding that the game is strictly for the benefit of the players
● I will learn and abide by the rules of the game and our league rules
● I will attend all League-sponsored training sessions and required meetings
● I will attend all team practices and games
● I will teach the fundamentals of the game
● I will communicate openly with all players, coaches and parents
● I will take full responsibility for my own actions
● I understand that managing a team requires several hours per week of my time for the duration of the season
● I understand I am responsible for addressing behavior issues with my coaches, my players, and the family members and fans of my players, knowing that I always have the full support of the TLL Board
● I understand that my participation as a coach in this league is a privilege and that failure to abide by this code may result in my being suspended or forfeiture of my coaching role in the league

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